About us

About us

Leapers is a company registered in British Columbia Province, Canada. Our activities are mainly focused on children's physical literacy programs. Physical literacy gives children the tools they need to take part in physical activity and sport, both for healthy life-long enjoyment and for sporting success; and is a key component of Canada’s Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) program. We provide purposeful active play (indoor/outdoor) programs including private or group classes, festivals, camps, and so on. We never settle. We’re constantly testing new treatments, learning new techniques, and finding new systems and environments to overcome our client’s challenges.

LEAPERS name comes from the verb" Leap" which means jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. Leaping is a  Fundamental Movement Skill in the Locomotor category.

About Dr. Amin Gholami (founder of Leapers)

Amin (he/him) is originally from Iran. He completed his PhD in Kinesiology in 2011. Amin has dedicated his professional life to children’s physical literacy programs and has over 15 years of professional and academic experience in the field. He has been involved in many children’s motor skills programs through design and optimization capacities, as well as the management of structured active play centers, tools and equipment, and applications.

Amin’s strong interest in the Canadian Long Term Development (LTD) model pushed him to come to Canada to extend and share his knowledge in the field of children’s physical literacy. Physical literacy is key to the LTD model and our alignment with the LTD was of particular interest to him - he wanted to be part of our team!

Amin is living in Vancouver now and is the Facility Manager at Jump Gymnastic Co. He has been invited to speak and share his practical ideas about designing active play programs in conferences and workshops for kindergarten, preschool, and elementary school facilitators and PE teachers in more than 30 countries.